“Who Am I?“
- Job Seeker:
Professional, Mid-career, Experienced
- Employee:
Professional, Manager, Senior Manager, Executive
- Employer:
Start-up Company, SME, MNC, FSE
is to...
Get certified as a
Certified Professional
BMP (s) are BMO Practitioner (s) who successfully employ
both the . . . BMO ™ (methodology) and BMO Platform
is to...
Identify how a BMO ™ (methodology) and BMO Platform
applies to you as an individual and/or as a professional.
is to...
Identify how a BMO ™ (methodology) and BMO Platform ™
applies to you as a company (SMEs, MNCs, FSEs).
I am a... Job
As a Job Seeker, your goal is to not only find employment,
but to also and most importantly find and secure the job/role and
opportunity that is your dream job/role.
And to succeed in doing so, you will need to distinguish
yourself by displaying unique skillsets that you have, over others, who
are also interviewing and competing for the same role/job opening.
Action to Take:
Get Certified as
BMP Certified Professional
BMP (s) are BMO Practitioner (s) who successfully employ
both the . . .
(methodology) and
BMO Platform
Get the tools you need to become proficient
in a
BMO Platform
as a tool of your trade, as your toolbox/toolkit.
Get the training
you need to become proficient in BMO ™
as an industry standard.
... which will set you apart from all others.
I am a...
As an Employee, your goal is to become more experienced,
with your financial compensation matching your experience.
And to succeed in doing so, you will need to distinguish
yourself by displaying unique skillsets that you have over others.
Distinguishing yourself over others who are also competing
for the same promotions and salary increases as you are.
Action to Take:
Get Certified as
BMP Certified Professional
BMP (s) are BMO Practitioner (s) who successfully employ
both the . . .
(methodology) and
BMO Platform
Get the tools you need to become proficient
in a
BMO Platform
as a tool of your trade, as your toolbox/toolkit.
Get the training
you need to become proficient in BMO ™
as an industry standard.
... which will set you apart from all others.
I am an...
As an Employer, your primary goal is to reduce costs and
grow your financial earning capabilities through revenue generation
And to succeed in doing so, your company will need to
employ unique skillsets that your competitors are not employing. Or, they are already employing and
you are now catching up to their business operations maturity level.
Action to Take:
Get your team (workforce) Certified as
BMP Certified Professional
BMP (s) are BMO Practitioner (s) who successfully employ
both the . . .
(methodology) and
BMO Platform
Get your team (workforce) the tools they need
to become proficient in a BMO
Platform ™, as a tool of their
trade, as their toolbox/toolkit.
Get your team (workforce) the training they need
to become proficient in BMO ™ (methodology) as an industry standard.
... which will set your team and your company apart from
all others.