Series: Just Fit Business
...Are you?! |
On-Demand Webinars: |
Just Fit Business presents: |
01: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Just Fit Business . . . Are you?! |
· This is a journey where companies learn what areas of their business they might be overlooking and/or neglecting. · As a part of this webinar session, we provide knowledge, tools and solutions that help companies address the areas that are being overlooked and/or neglected. |
02: |
Just Fit
Business presents:
Modernization |
· Modernization is not what most think it is. It is actually very different than what CEOs, Founders and company leaders might imagine it is. · In this webinar session, we explore what is Modernization and how to employ it to completely transform yourself as a business owner (as a professional) and how to employ it in your company to completely transform your company. To Modernize your business/company. |
03: |
Just Fit
Business presents:
Digitization |
· Digitization is an interesting topic, as this is where most are told to start, in order to transform their company. Yet, it is actually far from the first step a company should be taking in order to transform their organization / company. And in many cases, it is actually one of the most costly and high risk areas for a company to start with. · In this webinar session, we help company leaders better understanding what exactly is Digitization and how to successfully introduce Digitization into their company, while avoiding the pitfalls that inherently comes with Digitization. |
04: |
Just Fit
Business presents: New IT
Strategy |
· IT (Information Technology) is one of the most costly and financially unpredictable areas in a business. Leading to business owners and company leaders to spend invaluable capital and time into this bottomless pit, instead of diverting those investments into revenue generation activities. · In this webinar session, we help CEOs, Founders and company leaders learn how to introduce New IT Strategy into their organization, so they can redirect funds and resources to revenue generation activities. Investing this precocious capital into growing the company and into what they do best. |
05: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Business
Capabilities |
· This is where the wheels meet the road. When business owners and company leaders look at their business / company in the light of Business Capabilities. Completely transforming their approach to their business (industry) and deployment of their company (team members). · In this webinar session, we mentor and guide CEOs, Founders and company leaders to better understand what are Business Capabilities and how to structure the company accordingly. Laying out a Business Capabilities Roadmap for a company's 3 to 5 year plan (i.e. performance, organizational growth and revenue generation forecasts). |
06: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Business
Management |
· Business Management is a scientific view of the inner working parts of a company. · In this webinar session, we help organization / companies learn the simple steps they can take to transform their organization / company with minimal to small effort. By employing industry standards, industry best practices, industry tools and methodologies. |
Just Fit Business presents: Work From Anywhere (WFA) |
01: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Work From Anywhere (WFA) |
· Work From Anywhere (WFA) is now the new normal and companies who embrace it will lay the foundation of their company becoming a sustainable and resilient company. · In this webinar session, we will breakdown Work From Anywhere (WFA) and what it takes for companies to implement it successfully in their organization / company. |
02: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Work
From Home (WFH) |
· Work From Home (WFH), why companies struggle to get it right. · In this webinar session, we help organizations better understand why so many companies struggle to get it right and what they can do to simplify their journey in getting WFH implemented successfully with minimal costs and effort. |
03: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Work From Office (WFO) |
· This is a fun topic Many companies have the false sense of security that they have mastered Work From Office (WFO) and Work From Home (WFH) is the only area where they feel they are lacking. · In this webinar session, we examine what is the difference between Work From Office (WFO) and Work From Home (WFH). And show that if they perfect Work From Home (WFH), the by product significantly benefits their efforts in perfecting Work From Office (WFO). |
04: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Work Remote (WR) |
· Work Remote (or a.k.a. Remote Working) is specific to industries that are service oriented providers / companies. · In this webinar session, we help guide company leaders to leverage industry lessons learned and industry best practices. Helping company leaders avoid pitfalls and expensive infrastructure costs associated to successfully employing Work Remote (or a.k.a. Remote Working) solutions. |
Just Fit Business presents: Business Management |
01: |
Just Fit
Business presents: Basic Business Management |
· Basic Business Management are the most minimal business practices a company should be employing to ensure a predictable outcome and create a higher performing organization / company. · In this webinar session, we lay out simple and specific industry best practices, methodologies, tools and practices an organization can implement in order to transform their organization (almost overnight, depending how quickly they adopt the business tools and practices). |
02: |
Just Fit
Business presents: How
to retain your Top Talent |
· Retaining your Top Talent can make or break a company. · In this webinar session, we share industry knowledge and industry experience on what might be an eye-opening experience for CEOs, Founders and company leaders. As Top Talent wants and needs (expectations) are more straight forward than an organization might imagine. |
03: |
Just Fit
Business presents: How to build a Resilient Company |
· Learn how to build a Resilient Company to survive and endure trying times. · In this webinar session, we walk through industry knowledge and best practices, which enable companies to become a resilient and sustainable company.
04: |
Just Fit
Business presents: How
to outperform your Competitors |
· Stay ahead of your competitors by implementing small changes to yield big results. · In this webinar session, we do a deep dive to better understand what is the true definition of a Competitor and why you need to care about what they are doing and/or, more importantly, what they are not doing. Then lay out the small and simple business practices a company can implement that can make a big difference in keeping up with, or to significantly outperform, your competitors. |